Jean Craighead George - (fiction) This book comes a third exciting adventure about the wolf pack that saved the life of a young girl when she was lost on the tundra.
Jeff Gailus (non-fiction) - Beginning in 1967 and for just over 30 years, the oil industry toiled in the relative obscurity of Northern Alberta as machines peeled away earth and boreal forest to exhume what has now become one of humanity’s most precious and contentious resources: bitumen.
McTavish, Nunn & Wentzloff - (non-fiction)- This book is an interactive book for youth, inviting readers to re-examine the text and pictures for hidden clues about the wilderness.
Jean Craighead George - (fiction) It features a boy who learns about courage, independence, and the need for companionship while attempting to live in a forested area of New York state.
Farley Mowat - (non-fiction) In 1948–1949, the Dominion Wildlife Service assigns the author to investigate the cause of declining caribou populations and determine whether wolves are to blame for the shortage.
Berry Lopez - (non-fiction) - Of Wolves and Men reveals the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the centuries, and the wolf's prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures.
Kevin van Tigham –(non-fiction)Winner, 2014 Mountain Literature, Banff Mountain Book and Film Festival- Wolves have become a complicated comeback story. Their tracks are once again making marks in western Alberta, southern British Columbia and the northwestern United States. The wolf howl is no longer from our frontier past: they are prophetic voices emerging from the hills of our contemporary reality.