Maya: 1999-2016

In 2016, we lost our beloved mothering wolf, Maya.  For 17 years she was our brilliant force of learning and creativity.  She taught us how important conserving our wildlife and nature. Today her message rings truer than ever.  In every action that we take we must consider the consequences and we must be reminded to only take what is needed. Maya spent her last few days in the house here at the wolf centre with her family, Shelley and Casey Black. We will miss our Maya dearly but we know that she is running in greener pastures with her brother Tuk.


Thank you sponsors, donors, and lovers for all that you have done for Maya and the centre over the years, we appreciate your generosity.

Aspen: 1998 – 2015

Aspen was our first wolf dog cross, 75% grey wolf and 25% husky, and acted as the ambassador wolf for our pack. She was the loving big sister, and enjoyed being in the company of others, as she travelled to many schools and helped us educate young children about wolves in the wild. She maintained her position as Beta female until the Spring of 2004, when Maya began to move up the ranks and started fighting Aspen for her position. Even in her old age, she was a big tease, and played lots with Wiley to keep him in line. Everyone, including the wolves at the centre, misses her very much, and her loving presence will always stay with us in our hearts.


Although we kept Aspen here at the centre, she was not a pet; she was a part of our pack. Wolf dogs do not make for good pets, and our official opinion of them is: don’t do it. These wolf-dog crosses make unsuitable pets, and we don’t endorse their breeding or their sale as domestic animals. By crossing a domestic dog with a wild animal (one with especially strong predatory instincts and sense of social hierarchy), the resulting mix of traits is unpredictable, and often tragic for the animal and owners themselves. Approximately 80% of wolf-dog crosses are euthanized in their first few years of life.

Tuk: 1998 – 2011

Tuk – The Bearer of Light. Tuk was the brother to Maya. He was a timid, black wolf that loved to eat apples and hide! Tuk was a well-rounded wolf that all the others looked up to and learned from. We could always count on him to guide and teach anyone, wolf or human, that he came into contact with. He was a joy to have around and he is greatly missed. Tuk weighed 95 pounds throughout most of his life. He was born in the spring of 1999 and died June of 2011.

Moab – ‘The Prodigal Son’

2004 – 2017

Moab is the silliest wolf in our pack; he even has a funny snaggle tooth that sits out of the side of his mouth, giving him a quite goofy appearance. Weighing in at 90lbs, he is the average size of a grey wolf in the wild. Moab can have a bit of an attitude at times, but is definitely a “Mama’s Boy”. He loves his girls, Keehta and Shelley, and adores the staff who visit him through the fence. Because of Moab’s playful attitude, he can get a bit out of hand, though only with good intention, he no longer goes for walks with the public.

We are sad to inform you that our handsome Moab was laid to rest on August 7, 2017. His last moments were spent surrounded by the Blacks, in Shelly’s arms. Moab is now in the Mountains with Aspen, Tuk and Maya

Moki – ‘Spirit of the Deer’

2011 – 2017

Moki died unexpectantly at the age of 6, her shy but curious playfulness will be forever missed. Moki, and her brother, Mack, were rescued from a facility that was being shut down. Unfortunately their previous owners had chosen to not imprint them, so Moki and her brother are, and always will be, uncomfortable around humans. Although this may be the case, these two are still very comfortable here; they have a large enclosure they can hide and play in, and an elaborate den to escape to.


Moki’s name comes from the Navajo language meaning “little deer”, and although she is definitely a wolf, you can see her doe-like nature in her spirit. Her gentle ways stands alongside her timid behaviour, but Moki acts with care, unlike her rowdy brother. Both she, and Mack, look up to Moab as their fatherly figure.


We hope that her passing has not been in vein. We must remember her message of conservation and preservation so that we can protect all of her wild cousins.

Wiley ‘Of The Willows’

2002 – 2017

The Pack at The Northern Lights Wolf Centre is extremely saddened to inform you of Wiley’s passing on November 17, 2017. He passed from is own will during his sleep.

Wiley was an amazing soul that touched and left a print on the hearts of everyone he met. Wiley spoke loudly in the efforts to save his wild cousins and we know with out a doubt he will continue this cause running wild and free in the mountains with his family: Aspen, Maya, Tuck, Moab, and Moki.

Rest Peacefully Wiley and ‘Let it be’.

Keehta ‘The Silent One’


Keehta was our silent, but mighty, wolfdog who was rescued in 2005. Unfortunately, Keehta was bounced between six different homes in her first year of life, which is a sad, but common, situation for many wolf dogs, as people think that they make great pets (read more about this on our Wolfdog page). At her arrival, Keehta was wary of her new pack; since then, she has adjusted to life with a family and has no trouble “wolfing down” her food. Even though she is quite shy, she is also picky about her company, and doesn’t get along with many of our wolves. But Moab found a way to steal her heart, and the two get along very well, as he lets her be the boss in their relationship. Her shy behaviour makes her incredibly hard to photograph, and because of her picky nature, she only goes on hikes with Shelley and Moab.

Although we keep Keehta here at the centre, she is not a pet; she is a part of our pack. Wolfdogs do not make for good pets, and our official opinion of them is: don’t do it. These wolf-dog crosses make unsuitable pets, and we don’t endorse their breeding or their sale as domestic animals. By crossing a domestic dog with a wild animal (and one with especially strong predatory instincts and sense of social hierarchy at that), the resulting mix of traits is unpredictable, and often tragic for the animal and owners themselves. Approximately 80% of wolf-dog crosses are euthanized in their first few years of life. Thus, we were extremely happy to give Keehta a loving home and family until her passing in 2017.



Scrappy Dave is one of our oldest wolves, along with his sister, Flora. Despite his lanky and gentle appearance, this bright blonde wolf has a lot of attitude. Scrappy Dave still looks to his sister for comfort and guidance, and is most confident while she’s around. He is still a fun-loving and curious wolf, and with his sister, chases ravens and squirrels around the enclosure to play. Scrappy shares an enclosure with Flora and our youngest wolf at the centre, Honi.

Unfortunately, after a long battle with illness, Scrappy Dave passed away in Spring 2023. As a visitor favorite (with the most sponsors!), he is greatly missed by human and wolf alike. Now he runs with adoptive mother Maya and uncle Wiley.